Omega-3 Fatty acids, green Tea extract, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Grape seed Extract, Antioxidant Vitamins,
Minerals and Trace elements Soft Gelatin Capsule


Product Composition

Our product is a combination of such natural extracts, Antioxidant, Vitamins, Minerals and Trace elements that help to lower the cholesterol levels and provide nourishment to heart.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance that travels through our blood stream to maintain cell membranes and create hormones. Cholesterol sometimes build up in arteries decreasing the flow of blood to vital areas of body, this building up of cholesterol is called as plaque. If plaque continues to build long term it significantly increases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
The imbalance is manifested in elevated (increase) LDL (bad cholesterol) and a low HDL (good cholesterol) which increases your risk for heart attack or stroke. Along with HDL and LDL, triglycerides can also affect your heart health if not regulated correctly. Triglycerides are a natural fatty substance that provides much of the energy needed for your tissues to function.

⇒ Improper diet
⇒ Lack of exercises

⇒ Helps lower bad LDL and triglycerides
⇒ Optimize your LDL levels
⇒ Supports healthy cholesterol levels
⇒ Delivers powerful antioxidant benefits

Natural Extracts:
Omega-3-Fatty Acids:

Omega-3-fatty acids , EPA and DHA also referred to as fish oils. The body cannot make them, so they have to be obtained from other sources. They are an integral part of cell membranes throughout the body and affect the function of the cell receptors in these membranes. Omega-3 can shield against heart disease in at least five different ways.
⇒ By lowering the general cholesterol level
⇒ By leveling the cholesterol levels to HDL levels and preventing cholesterol from depositing on artery walls
⇒ By lowering the triglyceride level; triglycerides are another form of fat, present in blood which promotes heart disease
⇒ By forming cells, involved in coagulation, or discharging blood clots, appearance of which can cause heart attacks and strokes
⇒ By maximizing flexibility of red blood cells; studies have shown that Omega-3-fatty acids not only reduce the risk of heart disease, but also protect from migraines, high blood pressure, strokes, arthritis, asthma, cancer and other debilitating illnesses.


Ginseng is an herb native to Asia that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries.
Ginseng seems to be an antioxidant. Antioxidants help rid the body of free radicals, which are substances that can damage DNA and contribute to heart disease and other conditions. The saponins present in ginseng support the transport of cholesterol and the enzymes that participate in the metabolism of cholesterol. Saponins reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body and increase the amount of good cholesterol.
Preliminary studies suggest ginseng may improve the symptoms of heart disease in people. It also may decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. Research showed that levels of bad cholesterol dropped after consumption and good cholesterol level rose.

Grape Seed Extract:

Grapefruit seed extract, also known as GSE or citrus seed extract, is derived from the seeds, pulp and white membranes of a grapefruit. It contains a high concentration of flavonoids, oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), Vitamin E and linoleic acid.
Oxidized LDL particles play a key role in the formation of arterial plaques and the development of atherosclerosis. Grape seed extract helps in delaying the oxidation of lipoproteins which are the fats responsible for the bad cholesterol. They also contain flavonoids that can help individual to lessen the cholesterol in the body.

Green Tea Extract:

Green tea contains catechin polyphenols, specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a very powerful antioxidant that has been known to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, effectively lower LDL cholesterol levels, and also inhibit abnormal formation of blood clots.
Results from one animal study suggest that polyphenols in green tea may block cholesterol from being absorbed in the intestine and also help the body get rid of cholesterol. In another small study of male smokers, researchers found that green tea significantly reduced blood levels of harmful LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Ginkgo Biloba Extract:

Ginkgo biloba is one of the most sought after herbal medicines worldwide. It is known for its properties to relieve clogged arteries. It has antioxidant effects thus naturally fighting free radicals and prevents further damage to cardiovascular system. It prevents atherosclerosis. The studies confirm that ginkgo can lower blood cholesterol levels. If you have high cholesterol, ginkgo may help you to bring it under control. It may help remove plaque from the arteries, neutralize free radicals, and prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol and platelet aggregation.

Wheat Germ Oil:

Wheat germ oil (WGO) is unrefined oil that is extracted from the germ of the wheat kernel. It contains Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, protein, lecithin. octacosanol, a saturated primary alcohol and policosanol.
Recent research confirms that wheat germ oil can help reduce oxidative stress. It also contains policosanol (a substance that can be helpful in lowering raised blood sugar and/or cholesterol levels, as well as octacosonal (a substance reported to improve human fitness). It has also been proved that the properties of policosanol are similar to the statin drugs used to reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels and may also raise good HDL cholesterol levels.

Citrus Bioflavonoids:

Bioflavonoids, or flavonoids, are a large class of antioxidants. Bioflavonoids were originally called vitamin P, and they are also known as flavones. They boosts vitamin C efficacy, reduce cholesterol and improves circulation of blood. Bioflavonoids help maximize the benefits of vitamin C by inhibiting its breakdown in the body. They can reduce cholesterol deposits in arteries, and prevent damage to the artery walls. These actions reduce the possibilities of heart disease.


Piperine, a major active component in both black and white pepper. It reduces cholesterol uptake by internalizing the cholesterol transporter proteins. It reduces LDL and triglycerides (fat in the blood) but simultaneously increases HDL cholesterol.
Several scientific studies provide evidence that black pepper has cholesterol-lowering properties and may help in cardiac function recovery after heart attacks.


Lutein is called a carotenoid vitamin. It is related to beta-carotene and vitamin A. Lutein reduces the number of small, dense oxidized LDL cholesterol particles.
Research finds that the carotenoid exhibits health-promoting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits that help to lower plaque forming oxidized LDL cholesterol particles, which promote arterial hardening and heart disease.

Natural Mixed Carotenoids:
Carotenoids are naturally occurring fat-soluble pigments. Carotenoids circulate in lipoproteins along with cholesterol and other fats, which makes them beneficial for protecting arteries against blockages, free radical damage and inflammation.


Choline Bitartrate:

Choline is a water soluble vitamin. Choline plays a part in transporting cholesterol and triglycerides, two forms of important fats, from the liver to other parts of the body where they are needed. It prevents the accumulation of cholesterol.


Niacinamide is a form of Vitamin B3. It may improve levels of a certain type of fat called triglycerides in the blood. It is the most effective vitamin help in raising the good cholesterol.
Niacin can raise HDL cholesterol by more than 30 percent. HDL, the "good" cholesterol, picks up excess bad cholesterol in the blood and takes it back to your liver for disposal.
⇒ Increase activity of lipases, which break down lipids ⇒ Reduce metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides Combination of niacin with fish oil reduces or eliminates the causes of heart disease. While niacin acts to raise HDL cholesterol, reduce small LDL, reduce triglycerides, and reduce lipoprotein, fish oil boosts the triglyceride-reducing effect.


Benfotiamine is a natural form of thiamin (B1) that has been proven to be 5 times more absorbable than thiamin and has better penetration through cellular membranes.

Vitamin D3:

Vitamin D3 also called as cholecalciferol. It enables our body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, leading to strong bones and teeth.
If vitamin D is deficient there is increased risk of high cholesterol because squalene metabolism will occur, known as cholesterol synthesis.
There is a correlation between vitamin D and cholesterol. This correlation is believed to prevent cardiovascular disease. Studies have showed that individuals with higher levels of vitamin D have lower cholesterol levels and are generally healthier overall than individuals with low levels of vitamin D.

Vitamin B9:

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) belongs to the family of water-soluble vitamins. It controls the level of deposition of cholesterol on the human heart, thus ensuring cardiovascular health.
Folic acid has been known to lower homocysteine levels. If homocysteine levels are elevated then it may encourage blood cells to stick together and form clots. A blocked artery may cause a heart attack or stroke.


Biotin is a water-soluble, B-complex vitamin. It is important vitamin required by the body for many purposes Biotin may provide an alternative route to reducing cholesterol levels.
Biotin can help reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, which when too high, can lead to heart disease and stroke.
In research, it was found that biotin inhibits absorption of excess fat. Thus, it maintains the cholesterol level in blood.

Menadione Sodium Bisulphite (Vitamin K):

Vitamin K is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone and heart health. Vitamin K has been found to protect against arterial calcification and the oxidation (free radical damage) of LDL cholesterol. Vitamin K has been shown to help prevent calcification of arteries, one of the leading causes of heart attacks. It works by carrying calcium out of the arteries and not allowing it to form into hard, dangerous plaque deposits. Vitamin K helps to prevent hardening of the arteries because it can keep calcium out of your artery linings and other body tissues, where it can cause damage.

Vitamin B12:

Vitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B12 is crucial to the human body, which needs it to produce new DNA, red blood cells, proteins, hormones and lipids (fats). Another important cholesterol-lowering vitamin is B12.
Research shows that vitamin B12 daily can reduce cholesterol levels, but it can also provide additional cardiovascular health benefits, such as reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries).

Vitamin B6:

It is also called as pyridoxine. Pyridoxine has a role in preventing heart disease.
Without enough pyridoxine, a compound called homocysteine builds up in the body. Homocysteine damages blood vessel linings, setting the stage for plaque buildup when the body tries to heal the damage. Vitamin B6 prevents this buildup, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack. Pyridoxine lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels and keeps blood platelets from sticking together. All of these properties work to keep heart disease away.

Calcium Ascorbate:

Calcium ascorbate is the principal form of vitamin C. It is the most abundant, essential mineral in human body. Calcium salt of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is less acidic than ascorbic acid and is less irritating to GIT.
Calcium ascorbate converts cholesterol naturally into bile acid and then eliminated from the body, without this, cholesterol builds up in blood stream.

Ferrous Fumarate:

Ferrous fumarate is a form of iron that can be absorbed and used by the body and works in the same manner as foods containing iron.

Magnesium Oxide:

Magnesium is a metal that is essential for human life. Magnesium helps balance the enzyme that creates cholesterol in the body, thereby aiding in normalizing your cholesterol levels.
To make cholesterol, a specific enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase is required. Magnesium regulates this enzyme so as to maintain only a proper amount of cholesterol in the body.

Dibasic Calcium Phosphate:

It is an ionic salt, meaning it's made up of charged particles of calcium and phosphate.
They have the ability to bind to cholesterol-carrying bile acids in the gastrointestinal tract and sweep them out of the body in the feces. At the same time, by lowering cholesterol levels, CaP may also protect against heart disease.

Zinc Oxide:

Zinc is a mineral that plays a vital role in many biological processes, such as enzyme action, cell membrane stabilization, gene expression and cell signaling. Zinc supplementation significantly reduced total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Potassium Chloride:

Hypertension is followed by overweight/obesity, physical inactivity, high LDL cholesterol, smoking, high dietary salt, and high Trans fatty acids.Intake of potassium has great effect on cardiovascular activities. It has beneficial effects on hypertension. Hypertension is a major risk factor for the development of stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure, and end-stage renal disease.

Collidal Silicon Dioxide:

Silicon, an abundant trace mineral in nature is proving to be an essential ingredient for stronger bones, better skin and more flexible joints.
Silicon makes the inner lining of arterial tissue less permeable. In the case of a high cholesterol diet, Silicon supplementation reduces the occurrence of atherosclerotic lesions in blood vessels.

Manganese Sulphate:

Manganese is a mineral element that is both nutritionally essential. A number of manganese-activated enzymes play important roles in the metabolism of carbohydrate and cholesterol.

Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate:

Copper is an essential trace element that is vital to the health of all living things. Research studies have shown that copper can reduce the levels of "bad" cholesterol(LDL cholesterol) and help to increase beneficial cholesterol (HDL) cholesterol.

Potassium Iodide:

It is a trace mineral useful for all living beings.Iodine is more reactive and most likely to cause problems so it is combined with potassium. Clinically and experimentally, hypothyroidism is associated with hypercholesterolemia and increased incidence of atherosclerosis. Research showed that iodide retards or prevents hypercholesterolemia and the development of experimental atherosclerosis in rabbits. "Protection" is estimated from reduction of plasma and/or hepatic cholesterol. A major possibility is that iodide alters thyroid function.

Sodium Borate:

Boron helps to reduce lipid accumulation and enables the removal of cholesterol through various means, thereby reducing the chances of developing conditions like atherosclerosis and blood clots, and protecting the body against strokes and heart attacks.
Boron displays cholesterol lowering properties, which was evident in animal study.

Chromium Picolinate:

Chromium is a mineral. It is called an "essential trace element" because very small amounts of chromium are necessary for human health. When chromium combined with picolinic acid, it is referred to as chromium picolinate. Chromium picolinate is better absorbed than other forms of chromium may play a part in its cholesterol-lowering benefits.
Chromium also plays a role in fat metabolism. Several studies have investigated chromium's effects on lipid profiles. A number of those studies reported reductions in triglycerides, as much as 32%, and reductions in total and LDL cholesterol. These positive effects were noted when studying the risk for heart disease in healthy people and those with diabetes or glucose intolerance.

Sodium Molybdenum Dihydrate:

Sodium molybdate, an inorganic salt is an active source of molybdenum. It improves the antioxidant condition in the liver's enzymes, with minimal disturbances, as well as showing a reduction in blood lipids at a maximum level.

Sodium Selenite Pentahydrate:

Selenium is an essential trace element, necessary for the formation of the antioxidant enzyme Glutathione perioxidase (glutathione peroxidase), an important antioxidant enzyme that stops the oxidation of fats, especially bad (LDL) cholesterol.
Certain selenium supplements may help to lower low-density lipoprotein -- also known as "bad" cholesterol - levels if taken regularly.

Stannous Chloride Dihydrate:

Tin is associated with Iodine the same way as calcium is associated with magnesium. Tin supports the adrenal glands, and iodine supports the thyroid gland, with both subsequently affecting cardiac output. In addition to low Vitamin C and/or Vitamin B1, low tin is a common nutritional cause of low adrenals, which can lead to left-sided cardiac insufficiency. While fatigue or depression may be experienced with cardiac insufficiency of either side, breathing difficulties or asthma are more common with left-sided cardiac insufficiency.

Sodium Metavandate:

Vanadium is a trace mineral and a non-essential nutrient in the body. Vanadium has been studied for its effects on lowering blood cholesterol levels, which it does by interfering with cholesterol production in the body.

Nickel Sulphate:

Nickel is a common trace element in multiple vitamins. The body needs nickel, but in very small amounts. According to studies, nickel sulfate may decrease cholesterol levels.


Lactic Acid Bacillus:
Lactobacillales or lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a Gram-positive, acid-tolerant, generally non sporulating, non-respiring, either rod- or coccus-shaped bacteria.
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are beneficial probiotic organisms that contribute to improved nutrition, microbial balance, and immuno-enhancement of the intestinal tract, as well as lower cholesterol.
Preliminary human and animal studies have demonstrated the efficacy of some strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) for reducing serum cholesterol levels, presumably by breaking down bile in the gut, thus inhibiting its reabsorption (where it enters the blood as cholesterol).